Thursday, May 24, 2012

To tell a story...

I've always loved talking.   When I was younger I loved to babble about anything and everything.  My dad would say I talked just to hear myself talk.....( I don't think that apple fell far from the tree if you know my dad:)  .......but as I've grown I really enjoy and appreciate quality time talking about bigger life changing thoughts and things.  I love to share my love for God,  who he is and how he has changed me, how he has rescued me, but I never quite feel adequate in my words, or the way they come out. 
I think this is why when I heard some friends were learning to tell stories about God, I was so intrigued.  The stories were straight from the bible---however they were told in plain language, so that they sound just like you and I telling a story about our day to each other.  No theological terms- or even terms that have become christian cliches.  Simple.  I feel like God has been speaking that theme to my heart for years now and I  jumped at this opportunity to learn to tell God's story simply, but accurately and purposefully.
The method that the stories are put together and told is completely orally.  They are designed to be able to be retold by all who hear them. So now after months of trying to learn these stories I am finally getting to go share them.  I cannot contain my excitement.   This of course is my plan, to share the stories with any and all friends we make in Ecuador, but God may have something different in store for us once we get there.   But for now I am hopeful.
The way we learned the stories and remember them was from creating storyboards.  We drew squares and each picture in the different square  represented a different part of the story.  It was so cool to me because, as a completely visual person, I can recall the next part of the story I am trying to tell by visualizing the drawing that came next. This has forever changed the way I share the gospel.   If you want to read more about this ministry check them out

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Better Things to come...

Today is packing day.  Riding Helmets for horseback riding, Ensure milkshakes for my boys who are sure to be hungry and picky and soccer balls by the dozen as gifts for our new friends  ---We've prayed, planned, bought, researched and now its finally time.  I cannot believe it is actually here.  Very surreal and scary to me.  I am a creature of habit.  I adapt to change, but I don't crave it.  My husband on the other hand feels most alive during change.  God has used change to grow our marriage in mighty ways.  Good change, bad change, scary and exciting.  Wondering which will this be?
At first- planning our 2 month long summer vacation in South America, I was sure that this was an exciting change.  Relaxing and rejuvenating while just enough adventure to keep the boys from wilting.
Then I began to pray about the trip and Gods plan for our family, and although I am not sure I still even understand it, it began to unfold piece by piece for us.  As we laid down our vision and try and grasp his vision things began to fall into place.
..from Wycliff bible translator headquarters, I felt God move in my spirit in a definite direction that I had not felt since I knew I was to marry Will.  At first I chalked it up to the emotional side of being in such a holy place with such a huge God sized vision.  But then I can home and the urgency to train my family to go and tell God's stories while we were on vacation began so strong that it was exhausting.  Exhausting me and my family.  So I stopped everything.  I began praying Lord, let my will for this trip be yours, and he placed a peace in me that sustains me now.  I know that he has an ultimate purpose and plan and we are willing to bring  God's story to all who will listen in our little village in the Andes mountains. And if we fail and do nothing but exist, well that God has ordained as well.
I really am completely humbled that anyone would follow us on this adventure and very intimidated as my writings and feelings are always real although not always holy or pretty.  I am very much in need of Grace in my daily life in Fort Worth Texas, oh how I will need His grace every second of the day as I lead my boys into unexplored territory.....
That last line was for drama for the boys, they really do feel like they are Lewis and Clark embarking on a new world expedition.