Chickens, Rabbits, Cuys, Dogs and Cats
Will's been gone for 3 weeks back in Texas working.
I have been on the hacienda alone with the boys.
It is so tranquil here I have felt very safe.
It really hasn't been that bad, just no extra time to sit in quiet and reflect,
or think, or do anything other than manage the chaos.
My writing dest upstairs has collected dust
We have friends that are staying in another house
on the same ranch and between their 3 boys and my 4
there has not been a dull moment.
Or a quiet one.
But, Will returns tonight…I cannot tell you what a spark that has put in me.
I have more energy all of a sudden..I guess the anticipation.
Everyone is working hard to get ready for a big fiesta the day after he arrives.
Loading firewood in all the fireplaces and scrubbing the kitchen in anticipation,
and shaving legs for the first time in almost a month.
Don Luis and Zeb raking the leaves
so we are planning a big party with friends who live in
Cotachachi here on Saturday.
We bought Will a hammock in Otavalo last
Saturday and they are trying to hang it now.
Don Luis and Matilde
A few afternoons a week while Will has been gone,
Matilde has taken the little boys on a walk up the mountain
so I could do Spanish classes with the big boys.
Liam taking his spanish lesson
They love Matilde and their walks with her-
its funny how quickly little ones adapt.
Matilde has them climbing high and deep into the mountain,
they are gone for hours at a time,
picking berries and chasing cows,
all in a different language.
And they are so comfortable with it all.
Matilde raised 7 children,
she's a pro at this and I have much to learn from her,
especially about not underestimating what my little kids can do-
I would have never walked up the mountain
alone with Zeb & Eli
Ready for their afternoon hike
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