Friday, June 14, 2013

Beautiful Feet...

Beautiful feet are the feet that bring the good news Jesus said.  
And  a woman named Vivianna brought it to me today.  

She is a traveling pedicurist,  A mother of 5, 
grandmother of 1, and a strong christian Baptista.
She has lived in 
Bocas del Torro all of her life.
Today she brought me the good news.  
A reminder of Jesus' love for me 
and his gift of himself.  
He will never leave me nor forsake me.  
Jesus himself IS the Good news and Vivianna was his messenger today.

AND she gave me beautiful feet while we visited!  

There has been NO hot water since arriving on the island over a week ago.
But oh sweet mercy she boiled some water in our kitchen for my nasty feet.

Feet that walked all over town barefoot
 looking for new flip flops after a shoe blowout.

This is the center of Bocas town.
Not very clean to say the least...

I found some great gold flip flops for 3$ here..

And now I feel all clean and right side up again.

Heres to another day in Bocas!!

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