Friday, June 14, 2013

Chitras on beautiful Carenero island

Chitras, Sand fleas, No-seeums.  

Whether you speak English, Creole, Spanish 
or a mix of all three 
these words bring terror to your ears.  
I am about to show you a verra, verra  humbling photo of my 
 UGLY legs.  
Words cannot express how itchy these tiny bites are, and how long they last. 

I feel like I am 10 with the chicken pox again. 

All of these bites came from one afternoon.  
Our second day here. 

We ventured over to the beautiful 
tiny island of Caraenero in this water taxi.

Beaches are beautiful, 
surf is amazing and the snorkeling is great.  
I thought I was prepared.
I even bought this great oil for the bugs from 
the local guy George that everyone swears by. 
 A mix of coconut oil, citronella, and tea tree and eucaliptus oil.  

Not one boy got a bite.

They must have a preference for women.  
The locals see me and laugh-
Chitras love fresh blood, they say.  

Now I wear pants, especially on Carenero. 
 Dont let those beautiful, pristine beaches fool you-
we are still in the heart of the jungle.

As I pray and ask God to spare me from 
Leishmaniasis- the nasty tropical disease these things carry.  
I am reminded again to trust in the Lord for even if I do... 
I know he will work all things for the good of those that love him.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe this. Hope you are on the mend soon so you can enjoy your trip itch free.
