I love it here. It is beautiful with cool weather,
and there are many opportunities to meet
new people and share with them.
But, it does not come without challenges.
It is hard work most of the time.
Will is thrilled after an hour to have a fire to grill on.
Have you ever started a grill without gas or lighter fluid?
In the States our life seems challenging.
I juggle working
(a passion of mine so I choose to),
managing our home,
church, school, preschool
and social activities.
And I haven't even mentioned
sports yet.
When things get overwhelming I hire help,
and then work more to pay for the help I've hired
because I feel guilty that I have hired help.
It is all a crazy cycle.
And I bring it on myself.
I've bought into the lie that my worth is in what I accomplish.
The truth is I am worthy because Jesus made me worthy.
Not of any of my own works or doings.
I've been challenged the past 2 years by authors
I've been challenged the past 2 years by authors
such as Francis Chan and David Platt
to say when enough is enough.
Well I now say enough.
But its not easy to break a almost 40 year cycle.
I don't want my kids to grow up in the cycle.
So I am trying to put down my drive to achieve
and be content with whatever I can fit into a day,
to have margin to handle whatever God wants me to do
even if it is just maintaing my kids in clean diapers and
taking my big boys back and forth from school.
Wanting to slow down I have romanticized
Wanting to slow down I have romanticized
how life was 100 years ago.
Rocking Chairs and knitting and all
Less distractions, less stuff, less choices
and more time to spend focusing on relationships.
So I thought.
However, I am learning a few things as I have
However, I am learning a few things as I have
this opportunity to step back in time here.
It is the same struggle. I am the same person.
It is the same struggle. I am the same person.
People did not have more time,
well maybe a little,
but they used it differently.
The work is less delegating and scheduling logistics
The work is less delegating and scheduling logistics
and more backbreaking labor.
I have to choose to slow down here too.
Its fun to get the cows milk,
until you realize you need 3 liters a day, that takes work!
Fireplaces are so romantic, warm and inviting.
But when they are your only heat source
there is constant wood chopping,
carrying wood and tending to the fire.
Even fresh foods go bad, so you have to plan very
well when you can only get groceries once a week
(or else walk 4 miles with whatever you need from town)
And the kids don't always like what I cook
even though it has taken me hours
to make it from scratch
The garden is wonderful but who peels all these-
I miss my baby peeled carrot bag from Costco
I never realized how I love my dishwasher
Without it, it doubles the time spent cleaning
Rides in the back of a truck are fun...at first,
but the coating of dust creates some
hygiene problems
The walk between our house and the laundry house
It is way down there hand is daunting at times,
but I am grateful for a washing machine.
The others on the farm still use the river to clean their clothes
So I will choose today the same thing I will have to choose at home:
To be still and know that he is GOD.
And my purpose is not to achieve the American dream,
whatever that is,
but rather to honor and glorify the Lord.
In all I do.
In any country, in every circumstance.