Monday, June 18, 2012

Not for Vegetarians....

Remember the chicken we bought at the animal market ?
Well, we needed dinner last night. 
Zeb went to get our rooster

We all learned how to kill & eat a chicken straight from the farm. 

Are you in shock this is happening in my kitchen sink?
I was- I thought it happened in a barn.

After it is dead, you boil it to make the plucking easier

The boys all plucked and plucked.

Wash it in cold water to remove access feathers

Cut off and remove parts you don't want to eat

Brown it over the fire


Zeb is still saying "Momma- you ate my chicken?"
While he walks around the coop


  1. How did they cook it (oven, grill, smoker) and how did it taste?

  2. I rubbed it with spices and cooked it in the oven. I think i way overcooked it, so it was very lean and dry but overall good, it tasted a little gamey. I think next time i will boil it and use in soups. Will would only eat the white meat so I don't know if it's worth cleaning up all the blood and feathers....

  3. OK, I am just now being able to read all the blog since we got back from Brazil, so I spent the last hour or more reading every entry! How much fun is that whole experience! It has to be tons better than Playa del Carmen and I love the chores, chicken plucking, wood chopping, and all the family meals! Love, love, love it! We will be there in 2 weeks!
