Sunday, June 10, 2012

A new salsa

This hangs on the wall in the kitchen the farm.  
Ecuadorian Salsa.  Makes my mouth water.  You must try it. 
 This will be a staple in our home from now on.  It is easier than Pico di gallo our "old" favorite salsa.  Unlike pico- you can put this salsa picante in everything to add heat.  Here the Ecuadorians use it as a condiment and it is on every table in a restaurant.  There are many different recipies  and they differ based on the region you are in.  Here in the Andes, they serve the Aji over ChoCho beans (lumipi) and with purple onions on top.  
Esta Muy Rico.


This is the finished bowl of Aji.

Boil and peel 3 Tomate de Arbols

Add 1/2 Aji pepper without the seeds.

Add 1/2 Onion
1 clove of garlic

Tbs of sugar (they only use brown here)
1/3 cup of Oil Oil
and a little water

Blend Well
Serve over ChoCho beans 
Top with purple onions


  1. only one's not brown sugar (brown sugar has molasses), it's an unrefined sugar.
    At least I think that's right!
    You are making my mouth water!!!

    1. That makes sense now! The sugar is brown, but it isn't sticky like our brown sugar.
      I bet you have a good Aji recipe too.

  2. yum! can't wait for your party you throw with equadorian food when you get home :)

  3. Am living vicariously through you. . .what an amazing adventure.
    I sent this to your regular e-mail account, but not sure you're checking that so posting it here.
    I know that learning to tell Bible stories is something you've been working on. This little girl has NAILED it! Enjoy.
