Sunday, June 17, 2012

Viente Cuatro de Mayo

                   At home fresh organic foods are not always my thing.  I wish they were.
Fast food is more our thing unfortunately.  
A fast paced day equals no time to grocery shop or cook.  Here- things are very different.  One of my favorite outings is our Saturday market day.  24th of May is the name of my favorite vegetable market.  It is where I have bought all of our produce.   It is one full city block and has hundreds of vendors selling their organic farm produce.  

We practice our spanish as we buy our fruits and vegetables, and we learn about many foods that we do not grow in the states.  It is amazing how helpful people are when they realize you intend to speak spanish with them and learn about their culture, not just gawk and get by as a tourist speaking english.  

Here is what I brought home yesterday.  The zucchini is the size of a football.  All of this cost under 9$.  This should be enough to feed our family for a week.  
Now I will go cut and chop for a few hours. .....


  1. Is it cold there? I suppose it's winter it being the southern hemisphere and all. What is the weather like? I need to put it on my phone... so I can check it every day. The veggies look wonderful!

    1. It is summer here- but it is cold in the mornings and evenings(at least to me-
      i think it is around 50's and then warms up to 70's. it really is perfect weather.
      Is it hot there????

  2. ok wow, the food does look wonderful - and fresh! What an amazing experience you're getting, Les, so glad for you.
